Random Acts of Kindness – For Yourself & Others *2025*

Every year about this time, most of us think about New Year’s resolutions. Let your resolutions this year be about bettering yourself and helping others.
Here is a list of some positive things you might want to consider. Start by picking just 5 things to start with then move down the list.
- Exercise or walk daily...start with just 15 minutes a day
- Join a gym or a fitness class
- Pray daily for health, happiness, and wisdom
- Volunteer once a week at a food pantry, soup kitchen, or nursing home
- Put positive messages on sticky notes to encourage yourself
- Take time out for yourself each day, even if it’s only 30 minutes
- Don’t compare yourself to others. You’re one of a kind!
- Reconnect with a friend from your past
- Be grateful for what you have...count your blessings!
- Eat healthier....more fruits and vegetables
- Drink more water each day
- Set attainable weekly goals for yourself
- Start a new savings plan....for a vacation?
- Call someone you’ve been thinking about lately
- Get more sleep each night
- Laugh more.....hug more
- Learn a new hobby
- Forgive past hurts
- Visit a relative you haven’t seen for a while
- Have coffee with an old friend